Thursday, April 1, 2010

What's going on here?

Today Paul went to the prison to pass out evangelistic newspapers. We get Today’s Challenge papers given to us to distribute, and an issue had come while we were gone so he wanted to distribute them to the cells in Polsmoor Prison. That is always a fun job, just breezing along, greeting the guys, and chanting his little chant, “To read not to smoke” as he passes them along to enthusiastic prisoners.

Today FOUR different guys, in FOUR different places said to Paul something like, “Can you pray for me? I need to get things right.” All FOUR prayed to be saved! Plus one of them had a friend listening in who prayed too.

That’s rare, folks. People do not usually walk up to us to ask if we can lead them to the Lord.

Another rarity, was that FOUR or more others came up to comment to Paul on his book Answers to Prayer for our Family. Two of them actually waved their copy of it in front of him. (If you want to read that, it is readable and downloadable from our website under Crucial Issues.)

So it’s rare, but please know: WE LIKE IT! If anyone else wants help coming to the Lord in prayer, we’d love to help!

We read a quote by Selwyn Hughes, "In evangelim the preacher calls on people to get saved; in revival people often call upon the preacher to ask him how they can get saved." May revival sweep across the globe!

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