Saturday, July 14, 2012

Little Dreams Fulfilled

Go get 'em, Tiger! 
A mall near us has these cool animals with wheels that you can ride, so we went to give it a whirl.  My grand-nephew Daniel is the only one actually brave enough to do it.  He rode the horse, the zebra, and a giraffe as well as the tiger.  Connie wasn't interested.  Those animals are scary when you're only 1. 
My Joshua John, or Mr. J.J.Y. for short, in front of a store with his friend Jesse.  I have long wanted to get Josh and this store together, and having another J. in the picture was just the icing on the cake.
Touche!  The man in black (My Tim) dreams of swordfights. 

And the grand finale: my quilt.  I have had a quilt on my bucket list for many years.  I ran across a library book that made this style look do-able and I started a couple of years ago.  Then I didn't like the shape it was coming out to be, so I stopped and wondered what to do.  Then last weekend, I was seized with determination, and decided to quit fearing mistakes, and just do it.   

"The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul..."
Proverbs 13:19

"Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life."
Proverbs 13:12

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