Thursday, December 31, 2009

An "A" for "F"

I'm glad I have a blog to share with at times like this when I'm just full to overflowing with the joy of our life here. Paul just preached his last sermon of 2009 to an audience of little boys in their pajamas. They were a sweet group of kids, at a Fresh Air Camp, led by Student Union workers. They broke into applause when he put the Black Light on his drawing of heaven.

I like the way they were so shocked when we were driving out. I was driving, and their eyes got wide, and they all demanded to know why I was driving and not "Small Paul". I teased them by saying I was a faster driver, but eventually told them I was just helping by driving. I don't think any of them thought they'd want anyone helping THEM with the driving if they had their own cars. :-) They can't quite imagine being so tired they aren't excited to drive.

We had our annual special prison services earlier this year, on the 22nd and 23rd. We went to each section, A-G in two days, with section F being our favorite. James exulted, "They were so quiet I could hear the fan on the sound system!" They were so quiet and respectful, and responsive at the right places. And they also broke into applause at the Black Light on the picture of heaven. But they didn't have cute matching PJ's.

In some of the other sections, Paul had to compete with radios, shouting guys in other cells, and loud rushing water, so a quiet section is a blessing not to be taken for granted. There also was almost no stealing this year, as compared with other years where we "spiritual workers" fought to keep our cool as prisoners grabbed everything they could get their hands on.

Now everything is sweetened by my Mom and niece Ariel coming for a visit. DELIGHTFUL!!

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